曾莉,副教授,硕士生导师,2020年入选湖北省教育厅有关人才计划。2011年6月于湖北民族大学获学士学位,2015年10月至2016年10月获国家留学基金委资助赴加拿大University ofAlberta开展博士生联合培养,2017年6月获华中科技大学工学博士学位。2017年12月起在武汉工程大学4688梅美高官方网站任教。主要研究方向为金属材料的冲刷腐蚀与防护、二氧化碳电催化还原。2020年获武汉工程大学第十三届青年教师教学基本功竞赛三等奖, 2021年获武汉工程大学优秀导师。
1. L. Zeng, G.A. Zhang*, X.P. Guo, Erosion-corrosion at different locations of X65 carbonsteel elbow, Corrosion Science 85 (2014) 318-330.
2. L. Zeng, G.A. Zhang*, X.P. Guo, C.W. Chai, Inhibition effect of thioureidoimidazolineinhibitor for the flow accelerated corrosion of an elbow, Corrosion Science 90(2015) 202-215.
3. L. Zeng, S. Shuang, X.P. Guo, G.A. Zhang*, Erosion-corrosion of stainless steel at different locations of a90֯ elbow, Corrosion Science 111 (2016) 72-83.
4. L. Zeng, G.A. Zhang*, X.P. Guo, Effect of hydrodynamics on the inhibition effect ofthioureido imidazoline inhibitor for the flow accelerated corrosion of X65pipeline steel, Corrosion 72 (2016) 598-614.
5. L. Zeng, X.P. Guo, G.A. Zhang*, Inhibition of the erosion-corrosion of a 90° low alloy steel bend,Journal of Alloysand Compounds 724 (2017) 827-840.
6. L. Zeng, X.P. Guo, H.X. Chen*, G.A. Zhang*, Semiconductivities of passive films formed on stainless steel bendunder erosion-corrosion conditions, Corrosion Science 144 (2018) 258-265.
7. Li Zeng, Jun Shi, Jingli Luo, HanxinChen*, Silver sulfide anchored onreduced graphene oxide as a high -performance catalyst for CO2electroreduction, Journal of Power Sources 398 (2018) 83-90.
8. Li Zeng , Geng Chen,Hanxin Chen*, Comparative study on flow-acceleratedcorrosion and erosion–corrosion at a 90° carbon steel bend, Materials13(7) (2020) 1780.
9. Li Zeng, JunShi, Hanxin Chen*, Chong Lin*, Ag Nanowires/C as a Selective and Efficient Catalyst forCO2 Electroreduction, Energies 14(10) (2021) 2840-2850.
10. Li Zeng, Jun Shi,Hanxin Chen* and Chong Lin*, Silver Nanocubes as a High-PerformanceElectrocatalyst for CO2 Reduction to CO, NANO 16 (2021).
1. 一种带压大管径管流式变径冲刷腐蚀测试装置,曾莉,吕童,方正,2022.