刘鹏,副教授,硕士生导师,2014年6月及2019年6月于华中科技大学分别获得学士及博士学位,2019年10月至2021年10月在华中科技大学能源学院开展博士后研究,2021年11月起入职武汉工程大学4688梅美高官方网站任教,入选湖北省有关人才计划。近年来,主持和参与国家级或省部级纵向项目和包括航天一院在内的企业横向项目共计11项,在Energy Conversion and Management、International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer、Energy、Renewable Energy、Applied Thermal Engineering等能源与传热传质工程领域知名期刊发表SCI论文30余篇,其中包括第一或通讯作者14篇,1篇入选ESI高被引论文,授权发明专利1项。学术论文SCI他引500余次,Google学术H因子20。多次参加国际国内学术会议并作口头报告,并担任第九届国际应用能源学术会议分会场主席;担任International Journal of Photoenergy期刊关于“太阳能热技术进展”特刊客座编辑,受邀担任International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer、International Journal of Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer、Renewable Energy、Applied Thermal Engineering、Energy Reports等期刊的审稿人。指导研究生、本科生获得多项国家级比赛奖项,获得武汉工程大学优秀班主任。欢迎基础扎实、勤奋刻苦且有志新能源开发利用和热管理技术研究的本科生加入团队(每年招收3-4名研究生,本科生若干人)。
[1] 国家自然科学基金青年项目:非均匀热流太阳能梯级集热系统耗散最小化传热优化与强化机理研究(2023-2025)主持
[2] 湖北省自然科学基金青年项目:基于耗散最小化原理的太阳能集热系统传热优化与强化机理研究(2022-2024)主持
[3] 中国博士后科学基金面上项目(二等):基于导热网络调控表面过热度分布及其与润湿性分布协同强化沸腾换热机理研究(2020-2021)主持
[4] 中国航天科技集团有限公司第一研究院横向课题项目:一体化系统仿真与多目标优化方法研究与地面考核模拟实验平台研制(2020-2021)主持
[5] 国家自然科学基金面上项目:“吸附-反电渗析”热力系统中能量转换特性与热质传递机理研究(2022-2025)参与
[6] 国家自然科学基金重点项目:基于斯特林热机的能量转换与传递过程基础问题研究(2018-2022)参与
[7] 国家自然科学基金青年项目:基于流场与温度场同步测量的管内对流强化传热机理研究(2017-2019)参与
[8] 国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于减阻与耗散理论的聚合物材料换热器及其传热元件的优化设计理论与实验研究(2014-2017)参与
[9] 国家973计划课题项目:余热能级及梯级利用的定量化原则及其在热力系统中的应用(2013-2017)参与
[1] Liu P, Ren TT, Ge YL., Liu W, Chen LG*. Performance analyses of a novel finned parabolic trough receiver with inner tube for solar cascade heat collection. SCIENCE CHINA Technological Sciences, 2023, 66(5):1417-1434. (SCI收录中科院二区)
[2] Dong ZM, Du QL, Liu P*, Liu ZC, Liu W*. A numerical investigation and irreversibility optimization of constantly grooved solar air heaters. Renewable Energy, 2023, 207:629-646. (SCI收录 中科院一区top)
[3] Ou G, Liu P*, Liu ZC, Liu W*. Performance analyses and heat transfer optimization of parabolic trough receiver with a novel single conical strip insert. Renewable Energy, 2022, 199:335-350. (SCI收录 中科院一区top)
[4] Qiao YC, Liu P*, Liu W, Liu ZC*. Analysis and optimization of flow and heat transfer performance of active thermal protection channel for hypersonic aircraft. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 2022, 39:102476. (SCI收录 中科院二区)
[5] Liu P, Dong ZM, Xiao H, Liu ZC, Liu W*. A novel parabolic trough receiver by inserting an inner tube with a wing-like fringe for solar cascade heat collection. Renewable Energy, 2021, 170: 327-340. (SCI收录 中科院一区top)
[6] Liu P, Dong ZM, Xiao H, Liu ZC, Liu W*. Thermal-hydraulic performance analysis of a novel parabolic trough receiver with double tube for solar cascade heat collection. Energy, 2021, 219:119566. (SCI收录 中科院一区top)
[7] Liu P, Wu JF, Chen LG, Liu ZC, Liu W*. Numerical analysis and multi-objective optimization design of parabolic trough receiver with ribbed absorber tube. Energy Reports, 2021, 7: 7488-7503. (SCI收录 中科院四区)
[8] Xiao H, Liu P*, Liu ZC, Liu W*. Performance analyses in parabolic trough collectors by inserting novel inclined curved-twisted baffles. Renewable Energy, 2021, 165: 14-27. (SCI收录 中科院一区top)
[9] Liu P, Dong ZM, Lv JY, Shan F, Liu ZC, Liu W*. Numerical study on thermal-hydraulic performance and exergy analysis of laminar oil flow in a circular tube with fluid exchanger inserts. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2020, 153, 106365. (SCI收录 中科院二区)
[10] Liu P, Lv JY, Shan F, Liu ZC, Liu W*. Effects of rib arrangements on the performance of a parabolic trough receiver with ribbed absorber tube. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019, 156: 1-13. (SCI收录 中科院二区top)
[11] Liu P, Zheng NB, Liu ZC, Liu W*. Thermal-hydraulic performance and entropy generation analysis of a parabolic trough receiver with conical strip inserts. Energy Conversion and Management, 2019, 179:30-45. (SCI收录 中科院一区top)
[12] Liu P, Zheng NB, Shan F, Liu ZC, Liu W*. Heat transfer enhancement for laminar flow in a tube using bidirectional conical strip inserts. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018, 127:1064-1076. (SCI收录 中科院二区top)
[13] Liu P, Zheng NB, Shan F, Liu ZC, Liu W*. An experimental and numerical study on the laminar heat transfer and flow characteristics of a circular tube fitted with multiple conical strips inserts. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018, 117:691-709. (SCI收录 中科院二区top)
[14] Liu P, Zheng NB, Shan F, Liu ZC, Liu W*. Numerical study on characteristics of heat transfer and friction factor in a circular tube with central slant rods. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2016, 99: 268-282. (SCI收录 中科院二区top)
[15] Liu W*, Liu P, Dong ZM, Yang K, Liu ZC. A study on multi-field synergy theory for convective heat and mass transfer enhancement, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 134 :722-734. (SCI收录 中科院二区top)
[16] Liu W*, Liu P, Wang JB, Zheng NB, Liu ZC. Exergy destruction minimization: a principle to convective heat transfer enhancement. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018, 122:11-21. (SCI收录 中科院二区top)
[1] 刘伟,刘鹏,刘志春,杨金国. 一种适用于换热管的片状涡发生器插入结构及换热管.专利号:ZL 201711122327.6.
[2] 刘鹏,陈林根,黄璐,谢尚珍,任葶葶,戈延林. 一种双层梯级集热管及槽式太阳能集热器. 202210580433.3
[3] 刘鹏,陈林根,黄璐,马海文,戈延林,郑小涛. 一种固液相变散热控温装置. 202310908280.5
[4] 黄璐,刘鹏,陈林根,桂承祥,黄宏伟,范琨,章宇涛,任葶葶,余颖妮,戈延林,郑小涛. 一种基于吸湿性水凝胶空气取水的光催化水蒸气制氢装置. 202310991140.9
[5] 刘鹏,黄璐,陈林根,桂承祥,秦成龙,黄宏伟,范琨,章宇涛,刘文静,韦庆蛟,任葶葶,余颖妮,戈延林. 一种利用吸湿性材料与多孔体结合的大气补水光解水产氢方法及装置. 202311427261.7
[6] 黄璐,刘鹏,陈林根,陈奡飞,周祖伟,谢心怡,黄宏伟,杜元开. 一种基于太阳能的海水淡化及发电装置. 202310349294.8
[7] 刘鹏,黄璐,陈林根,周祖伟,陈奡飞,谢心怡,黄宏伟,杜元开. 一种水凝胶-PTFE 复合透气膜及其制备方法. 202310377080.1