The 2022 International Workshop on Engineering Education Innovations

Welcome from Chairs of IWEEI 2022
Dear Colleagues,
Warmly welcome to the 2022 International Workshop on Engineering Education Innovations (IWEEI2022), sponsored by Wuhan Institute of Technology, on November 13 and 14, 2022.
Engineering is essentially an innovation course that creates something new, in the form of product, construction, service or process, which helps improve the society in general. Engineering education undertakes the mission of cultivating engineering talents of innovation and entrepreneurship. The main theme of IWEEI2022 is thus the innovation and entrepreneurship with focus on teaching. the topics include:
• How to cultivate the spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship of the first-year engineering students?
• How to construct the pillars to support further innovation and entrepreneurship education for the second and third-year students?
• How to implement more contents concering innovation and entrepreneurship in the capstone projects?
At present, many international exchanges may not have been fully restored. However, we attach great importance to IWEEI 2022 and regard it as an important activity to exchange ideas on innovating engineering education innovations, strengthen friendship through mutual encouragement and to build bridges for further exchanges in the future. We hope you find the workshop interesting and enjoyable.
With the very best wishes.
Prof. Shan-Dong Tu Prof. Xiao-Tao Zheng
IWEEI 2022 Chairman IWEEI 2022 Executive Chairman
IWEEI 2022会议主席欢迎辞
热烈欢迎您于2022年11月13日和14日参加武汉工程大学举办的工程教育创新国际研讨会(IWEEI 2022)。
工程本质上是一个创新的过程,以产品、结构、服务或过程等形式创造出新的事物,以促进整个社会进步。工程教育肩负着培养创新创业工程人才的使命。因此,IWEEI 2022的主题是以教学为中心的创新和创业,主题包括:
目前,许多国际交流尚未完全恢复。然而,我们非常重视IWEEI 2022,将其视为一项交流工程教育创新想法的重要活动。我们希望通过相互鼓励,加强友谊,为未来的进一步交流搭建桥梁。衷心希望本次研讨会能让您感到愉悦。
涂善东教授 郑小涛教授
IWEEI2022 会议主席 IWEEI2022 执行主席